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Carina Falck

Cypress - for peace and steadiness

How many of you are old enough to remember the days when we still buried people in family cemeteries lined with cypress trees instead of cremating them? Or are fortunate enough to remember a South African farm where a cypress alley led up to the cool inviting farmhouse?

Can you remember the long Sunday afternoons when we played in the shade of those trees, with the sun baking down and causing an almost blue haze of fragrant forest smells around you? We placed our marbles in the hollows between the roots or nestled against the trunks of those strong comforting trees with a book until all the adults were looking for us!

Our natural affinity for cypress trees in places of rest, could be explained by what the essential oil of cypress is good for.

Emotionally cypress oil helps to provide structure in the thought process, alleviates absent-mindedness and helps with concentration. It helps stem uncontrollable sobbing and assists those with a nervous breakdown. Cypress will also assist you if you feel that you are often wasting your energy on irrelevant things.

It is very helpful oil in times of drastic change like relocating, bereavement, breakdown of relationships and career changes.

Natural affinity:

Those with a natural affinity for cypress often have strong opinions, are not easily swayed, and are often great problem solvers. They often have an innate wisdom and a tendency to lead a disciplined life.

Therapeutical qualities

Cypress is an excellent astringent. Add two to three drops to about 10ml of your regular toner to help

refine your skin.

For spider veins you could place a few drops in your hand palm and add a spoonful of Aloe Ferox cellulite gel to it. If you use this regularly it should improve the appearance of varicose and spider veins.

It assists blood circulation, by strengthening blood vessels and capillaries.

Cypress oil quickens those that are too lethargic, and calms those that are too fiery.

I would use cypress to help me develop my sense of inner strength, dignity and structuredness.

Interesting snippets

The Cypress of Abarkuh (Persian: سرو ابرکوه Sarv-e Abarkuh), also called the Zoroastrian Sarv,[1] is a Persian cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) tree in Abarkuh in Yazd Province of Iran. It is protected by the Cultural Heritage Organization of Iran as a national natural monument and is a major tourist attraction with a height of 25 metres (82 ft 0 in) and with a perimeter of 11.5 metres (37 ft 9 in) at its trunk and 18 metres (59 ft 1 in) higher up around its branches. It is estimated to be over four millennia old and is likely the oldest or second-oldest living lifeform in Asia.[2] The exact age of the tree has been difficult to determine, but it is estimated to be between 4000 and 5000 years old. Favourable natural conditions of its location have been credited as the main reason for the tree's longevity.


Fischer-Rizzi, S.

Complete Aromatherapy Handbook, English Edition 1990.

Sterling publishing Company Inc. New York USA. pp 91-93

Source: Battaglia, S.

The complete guide to aromatherapy, 2 nd edition.

The International Centre of Holistic Aromatherapy, Brisbane, Australia, 2003

pp 191-193

Contact: Carina Falck 060 526 1422


The use of essential oils must be done responsibly and does not replace any medical treatment. It is used at your own risk.

Kind regards

Carina Falck

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